FAQ: The GRILLGUN..."The Ultimate Grill Torch!"
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What is the difference between the GrillGun and the Su-VGun?

The GrillGun is 22” long to get you further away from the business end of the barrel and just has unbridled fire power in excess of 400k BTU. The SuV gun is shorter than the grill gun by 6 inches so you can more easily wield it over a granite counter top in a kitchen. It also reduces fuel content and boosts the air mixture as it focuses the flame with in the fire bell.

Look at the live pictures on the Kickstarter campaign or at Grillblazer.com and you can actually SEE the difference in the pictures (both of the gun and the flame). Also watch the opening video on Kickstarter. Visit GrillBlazer.com and you’ll get more answers to your questions.

Last updated: June 20, 2019 15:04

What are the BTUs of the Su-VGun?

That hasn’t been determined yet. I will wait until I have finished production samples of the SuV-Gun to make the final gas flow orifice size to set the flame distance appropriate for the torch. I know this is a complicated answer, but I’m hoping to give you an answer that is helpful. More gas flow just makes more flame, too much flame cannot be used safely indoors. Now to directly answer your question directly, I expect it to be a 1/4 to 1/2 less gas flow (300,000 to 200,000 max BTU).

The main thing I want in the Su-VGun is a controlled, very hot, and focused flame that completely consumes all the fuel being expelled by mixing it with the maximum amount of oxygen available in the atmosphere. Fully burned propane produces heat, water and CO2, all fully suitable byproducts of a flame that you would want to use in searing your meat. That is essential in the close work of searing meat with a short flame on a granite, stainless steel, or other non-flammable surface in the kitchen, or on a grill outdoors.

The reason the combo is the most popular selection that people are requesting is that they want the best of both worlds. They want the big rolling, long barrel and flame, for lighting their grill, but the notion of 2’ of fire rolling out of the long-gun just isn’t a good idea for use indoors.

Last updated: June 20, 2019 15:04

What is the Shipping cost for US shipping? (Outdated: 6/27, see below)

The box size is 24”x12”x45” and can weigh up to 6lbs depending upon which reward you select, but it will be the same box and shipping price for each of the Rewards. (Multiple rewards will require multiple shipping boxes) Shipping materials, freight and handling will be $20 unless I can pass on a savings of a few dollars for the Su-VGun and Su-VGun set. Those torches are shorter than the GrillGuns so selecting a separate smaller box (18x12x4) will likely save money.

Last updated: June 27, 2019 16:29

What is the Shipping cost for both US and International shipping?

NOTE: No not gross up your pledge by these shipping amounts. We will handle shipping and any other add-ons you might want after the campaign. The box size and handling and handling costs are the same as above, the difference is the freight and whatever punitive taxes and fees that are charged by the country we are shipping into.

If you don’t live in the US, you are probably have a good idea what those fees and taxes look like, since you choose to live where you live. All I can do is abide by their laws and pass on the costs.

As of 6/27 I’ve done an in-depth study of shipping costs to countries outside the US that Kickstarter has reported to me, backers are from. If your country is not on the list, you can contact me directly at [email protected] tell me where you live, and I can look it up. See the update for “4 Days and Counting” for the shipping information.

Last updated: June 27, 2019 19:35

What kind of propane bottle attaches to the GrillGun and the adapter hose?

For International Backers, the attached link is for a Coleman brand 1lb bottle that can be bought all over the European continent. It has a Its a CGA 600 (1” x 20 UNEF) fitting. Please have a look and see if you can get either the Coleman or Benzomatic bottles. Getting an adapter for any other kind of small disposable bottle is not an option right now. In time I see an opportunity to discover each type of connector, tank, bottle, etc, but for now you’re limited with the small bottles to these options. Coleman - https://www.coleman.eu/uk/p-23633-propane-cylinder.aspx Benzomatic - https://www.bernzomatic.com/Products/Fuel-Cylinders https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bottle-Disposable-Cylinder-plumbers-burner/dp/B07D5K4FFF/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=MAP+X+Gas+Cylinder&qid=1561664450&s=sports&sr=1-1-catcorr

The adaptor hose connects to the the P.O.L type of propane fuel tank. If your LPG tank does not have a POL type of connector you need to adapt a POL connector to it through other adapters available in your country. The attached adapter link is a start. It goes from the POL connector to a 1/4” pipe thd. That should be easy fitting to adapt to whatever LPG bottle is available in your country. Again this appears to be an opportunity for me to help international customers readily use this product. All I need it to know what I need to adapt to and I can take it from there.

Last updated: June 27, 2019 19:03

What is the propane consumption of the grill gun under full force? That is, if I attach a 1 lb propane canister and blast the gun full flame continuously, how long will the canister last before going out?

This question was asked repeatedly at the beginning of the campaign, but not so much in the later half, but since I just got it again, I’m putting it up as a FAQ.

You get 10-12 (ish) minutes of full throated burn at room temperature (75 degrees F). This is a total burn time but not all at once. (1-2 oz/min depending upon room temp). The Su_VGun is about about 1/4 better, because it uses less propane/minute (up to 16 minutes).

Propane freezes as it expands and is released from the bottle. As it freezes it loses pressure. As it loses pressure it lasts longer but the loss of pressure causes the full force flame to diminish dramatically.

This is complicated to explain, but an easier method of understanding it is to say that you can burn at full force for about 3 minutes before your 1lb bottle is frozen over, then you need to let it warm back up to room temp, Then you can burn it again with the same force. You can repeat this process about 3-4 times before you’ve exhausted the contents (10-12 minutes total).

You can see why the 20lb tank would seem like an eternity. It takes 30 minutes for the tank to cool down enough for you to notice any reduction of power at full burn, so normal use, where you use it for a couple minutes at a time, it’ll always have full power, and last for 2.5 hours of full force burn.

Last updated: June 29, 2019 09:14

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